Typical Cloud Service Providers


This report lists the different available cloud services with a focus on computing capabilities and Machine Learning (ML). The current range of cloud services has already expanded tremendously and new services continue to be added to the already wide range of providers. In addition, services are called differently by different providers. Since it is impossible to cover all the services offered, this document will focus on the the main providers and their main services, specifically in the compute and machine learning categories. However, in addition to the discussed services in these categories, these providers offer a wide range of miscellaneous services in different categories including file storage, database management, network management, backup services, Internet of Things, developer tools, etc.

In particular, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud are currently the largest players in the field of cloud services. Gartner, an international IT research and consulting firm, ranks cloud service providers in a quadrant as shown in the figure below [RBD+20]. In it, it is clearly seen that AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud are currently the market leaders in terms of cloud service providers.

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Different Cloud Ecosystems for Computing

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services was founded in 2002 and has since become the most prominent market leader in the cloud computing industry.


  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) [Ama21d]: EC2 is the premier cloud computing platform in the extensive lineup of Amazon. EC2 allows users to run their code and applications in the cloud on virtual machines, which Amazon calls “instances”. The number of active instances can be scaled dynamically according to the current demand for computing capacity. This can be done either manually or automatically with the help of Amazon EC2 Auto-Scaling. Currently 352 possible instances are offered with different configurations according to the number of vCPUs, memory capacity, storage medium and network speed. The following categories of instance types are offered [Ama21a]:

    • General purpose: balanced instance type with similar performance in terms of compute, memory and network functionality.

    • Compute Optimized: instance type optimized for applications that are strongly compute-bound and thus benefit greatly from the higher processor processing power

    • Memory Optimized: instance type optimized for performance for workloads that work with large amounts of data in the memory

    • Accelerated Computing: instance type where hardware acceleration is present to speed up operations such as graphics processing

    • Storage Optimized: instance type optimized for applications with a high number of read/write accesses in local memory

    Prices scale according to the specifications of the instances and also vary by region. The AWS Free Tier offers 750 hours of free compute capabilities on t2.micro or t3.micro instances with respectively \(1\) and \(2\) vCPUs and \(1\) GB memory capacity. On-demand instances are billed by the hour or per second [Ama21b]. For use cases where starting and stopping can be flexible, there is also the possibility to use spare capacity at reduced prices, So-called spot instances [Ama21c] can be up to 90% cheaper compared to on-demand instances. Savings Plans offer the possibility to use prices when booking EC2 for a term of 1 or 3 years, but booking for 3 years is a risky choice since new types of instances are constantly being added and the prices of old instances are falling [EVPB19]. Old instances do remain in the supply to ensure backward compatibility, but do not offer any interesting performance for the price asked.

AI and Machine Learning

  • Amazon SageMaker [HN20]: Fully cloud machine-learning platform that allows users to create, train and deploy ML models. Allows to work with ML models at different levels of abstraction. Developers can use pre-trained models on their own data, train built-in models or or develop models from scratch. SageMaker includes several tools to, among others, prepare data for use, build and train models, and finally deploy them in the cloud.

Microsoft Azure


  • Azure Compute - Virtual Machine series: Microsoft also offers a wide variety of cloud computing services [Mic21b], which therefore also includes virtual machines in the cloud. Like Amazon, Microsoft offers the ability to dynamically scale the number of VMs required by means of Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

    Microsoft divides its virtual machines into different series [Mic21d]

    • A series: ‘Affordable entry-level VMs for development and testing”: CPU performance and memory configuration for entry-level workloads.

    • Bs series: ‘Economical VMs with burst functionality’: VMs for workloads that typically require low CPU utilization but can handle significantly higher CPU utilization as demand increases

    • D-Series: “General Purpose”: Balanced combination of vCPUs, memory and temporary storage that can meet the requirements of most production workloads

    • E-Series: ‘Optimized for in-memory Hyper-Threaded applications”: VMs optimized for demanding in-memory applications, ideal for example relational database servers

    • F Series: ‘Optimized Virtual Machines’: VMs optimized for CPU intensive workloads equipped with \(2\) GB RAM and \(16\) GB local SSD storage per CPU core

    • G-Series: ‘Virtual machines with optimized memory and storage’: Upgrade from the D-Series general-purpose machines with twice the memory and four times the SSD storage.

    • H-Series: ‘Virtual machines for high-performance computing’: VMs optimized for HPC applications

    • Ls series: ‘Virtual machines with optimized storage’: VMs optimized for storage using local NVMe storage, delivering high throughput at low latencies

    • M-series: ‘Virtual machines optimized for memory’: ‘VM’ optimized for memory, ideal for in-memory workloads

    • Mv2 series: ‘Largest virtual machines optimized for memory’: Series with by far the largest possible memory capacity

    • N Series: ‘Virtual machines with GPU’: VMs with GPU computing capabilities, for both graphics-intensive applications and HPC and machine learning applications. Also offer the possibility for InfiniBand connection

    Prices also vary depending on the types of virtual machines. It is also possible to use a free Azure account [Mic21c]. Users then receive 200 USD credit to test Azure services for \(30\) days, and get \(12\) months of free access to a number of popular services, including \(750\) hours of access to VMs in the B1S series with \(1\) vCPUs, \(1\) GB RAM and \(4\) GB memory capacity. In addition, services such as file storage, database applications, and various AI services can also be tested for free for a limited number of uses. It is possible to pay per second of use with billing per minute. Spot is also available for workloads that are not time-critical to be carried out for significant discounts of up to \(90\) %. Reservation per \(1\) or \(3\) years is also possible at reduced prices, up to \(72\) % cheaper, but again, it is not recommended to opt for \(3\) years given the rapid evolution of the cloud service market.

AI and Machine Learning

  • Azure AI: Azure AI [Mic21a] is a collection of AI services for developers and data scientists. It provides access to pre-trained models for vision, speech, and language using API calls. Furthermore, it allows users to build their own machine learning models using, among others, Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code, and open-source frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. A number of AI and Machine Learning powered services can also be tested through a free Azure account. Among them are computer vision, translator, anomaly detection, automatic form recognizer and text analysis, which are available for a free trial for a certain number of uses or transactions.

Google Cloud Services

Google offers a comprehensive set of computing services to facilitate ML.


  • Google Cloud Compute: Like Amazon and Microsoft, Google also offers a cloud compute service [Goo21a] that allows users to run virtual machines on their infrastructure. Managed instance groups (MIGs) also allow users to have the number of VMs to automatically scale to their needs. Google offers following options in virtual machine types by type of workload:

    • General purpose workloads (E2, N2, N2D, N1): Balanced combination in terms of price and performance, suitable for a large variety of workloads. Available up to \(224\) vCPUs and \(896\) GB memory storage.

    • Ultra-high memory (M2, M1): Optimized for memory intensive workloads with up to \(12\) TB of storage for a single VM instance.

    • Compute-intensive workloads (C2): Highest performance per CPU core and optimized for HPC, gaming servers and latency-sensitive applications.

    • Most demanding applications and workloads (A2): VMs with acceleration hardware present based on the NVIDIA Ampere A100 Tensor Core GPU. Developed for heavy machine learning workloads and HPC.

    • Coming soon:* Scale-out workloads (T2D): New option coming soon focused on scaling out workloads for web services, applications and of workloads for web services, containerized services and etc.

    Users can once again test out the service for free. Free accounts will receive \(300\) USD credit for \(90\) days to spend on several Google Cloud services and get a free f1-micro instance with \(1\) vCPU and \(0.6\) GB memory available per month. However, these are shared-core instances whose vCPU is limited to \(20\) % CPU time, but of which short periods \(100\) % of the vCPU can be used.

AI and Machine Learning

  • Google Cloud AI: With Google Cloud AI [Goo21d], Google provides users with a comprehensive platform for deploying machine learning and AI based applications. In this, they distinguish \(3\) major components with some overlap between: AI solutions, AI building blocks and Vertex AI. AI solutions is a collection of ready-made solutions that can be easily integrated within organizations. Within this, Contact Center AI includes solutions for text-to-speech and vice versa and natural language processing for chatbots, and Document AI provides support for document processing and form recognition. AI building blocks is a collection of products that developers can use to add AI functionality to existing applications. Developers can use pre-trained models via the API as well as define custom models or merge them together to create a custom solution. These AI building blocks consist of Sight for image processing, Language for for speech recognition and translation, Conversation for text-to-speech and speech-to-text and Structured Data for inference based on structured data. Vertex AI is a unified AI platform that allows developers and data scientists to deploy ML models by code. Popular frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, SciKit-Learn and Spark are supported and there is a range of TPUs and GPUs as acceleration hardware.

IBM Watson

Choice of Cloud service provider

Making the move to the cloud is very interesting for companies, among other reasons, because of its high cost-effectiveness, scalability and guaranteed availability. However, making this decision and choosing a suitable cloud service provider is not a simple undertaking. First and foremost, the consideration must be made as to whether it is actually worthwhile to run the application in the cloud. Researchers at the University of Luxembourg, for example, demonstrated, using a a cost model [EVPB19], that their in-house HPC platform performs more efficiently than Amazon EC2 by cost. Although an in-house solution will almost always perform better than in the cloud, an in-house computing cluster can’t match the scalability that the cloud offers. On top of that there is also an additional need for both knowledge and infrastructure which is not feasible for every enterprise.

A second important choice is the selection of the cloud service provider. This choice, too, is not so obvious and should take into account a large number of factors.

A number of studies attempt to make a comparison between the providers in different areas. The authors of [HI17] compared the cloud computing offerings of Amazon and Google between \(2014\) and \(2016\). This showed that Amazon offered a more extensive range of different VM instances, while Google offered lower prices for similar instances. Of course, this study is already quite dated due to the rapid growth in the cloud computing market. In fact, the offerings of both providers have changed significantly and both now offer custom VM instances to meet the specific needs of customers. It does show how quickly offerings and prices are evolving. According to a study [PCBP20] comparing IoT services from Amazon, Microsoft and Google in terms of performance, it clearly shows that that Amazon and Google perform similarly in terms of latency, while Microsoft performs worse for this use case. In [ST20] the number of offered services offered by Amazon, Microsoft and Google in different categories. compared. Also [MU20] compares the offerings of the largest \(3\) cloud service providers. The main conclusion from this and other previous studies is clearly that the choice of cloud service provider depends heavily on the interests and needs of the user. Thus, it is important that one first thoroughly defines them and then evaluates the choice of cloud service provider for the specific use case.